User Stories
A selection of interviews and stories from Noteable users. Find out more about how Noteable is used in class across different subjects, and the benefits of coding with Noteable.
Advantages of Noteable
Lecturers and staff from The University of Edinburgh tell us how Noteable benefits their teaching.
Coding and Data Analytics in Business with Noteable
Follow Dr. Pawel Orzechowski (Lecturer in Programming for Business at the University of Edinburgh) as he explains his journey of teaching coding and data analytics and how using Noteable has revolutionized his own teaching capabilities and improving the experience of his students.
Exploring Medical Data with Python
This video provides an introductory tutorial to the medical data with Python notebook on Noteable. This notebook focuses on exploratory data analysis, linear Regression, Python and uses the following libraries on Noteable: scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib, pandas, seaborn, bokeh. You will be able to learn about pandas functions to learn about data and the visualisation of 2D data using pandas/matplotlib. This notebook also includes the use of bokeh to create interactive graphs and linear regression with one, then multiple feature variables.
Tutorial: Folium notebook & visualisation of COVID-19 Data in Noteable
This video provides an introductory tutorial to Folium, which enables both the binding of data to a map for choropleth visualisations.
There is a step-by-step guide to access, process and clean up the data before plotting it. The video runs a user through the optimal way of visualising the data, starting with a linear segmented colormap, then a logarithmic colormap and a logarithmic colormap with hover tools showing the absolute values for each country.
Tutorial : How to access and submit assignments in Noteable (A Student Guide)
This video provides a guide for students on accessing and submitting assignments in Noteable. Developed by EDINA at the University of Edinburgh, Noteable hosts your computational notebooks in one simple online hub and can integrate with your VLE.