Teaching Guides and Templates
The following notebooks can run in the Standard Notebook Server.
Noteable tutorials on GitHub
Bar Charts tutorial
- Guide to creating bar charts in notebooks
Beginner notebook tutorial
- Quick start guide for users unfamiliar with notebooks
- Outlines what a “cell” is and how to interact with cells
- Briefly explains the kernel.
Bokeh Tutorial
- Guide to creating interactive plots with plot tools, widgets and annotations
- Demonstrates basic widgets from
and provides more complex examples of use
Scatter Graph tutorial
- Guide to creating scatter graphs in notebooks
Widgets Tutorial
- Guide to utilizing widgets while constructing a notebook to make it more interactive
- Demonstrates basic widgets from
and provides more complex examples of use
Noteable template files on GitHub
The following notebooks are intended to be used as a starting point for assignments/worksheets which can be customized for the individual course.
Assignment Skeleton
Noteable quick reference guides on GitHub
The following notebooks can be used as guides to formatting the notebooks and assignments.
Assignments Quick Reference
Markdown Quick Reference Guide